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 I m really sorry, sir. We do our best to match our clients
up with the best fit for them. Kara cringed behind her desk and
wouldn t meet the man s eyes. Serena felt sorry for her cousin,
because Kara avoided men like him like the plague. She was tiny
and delicate and aggressive men scared her. Most males, even
the alphas, wanted to protect her from everything, but this man
appeared to be oblivious to Kara s charms.
 Are you saying you think I deserve a psycho bitch as my
Unable to suppress her anger at his arrogance, Serena
growled. His gaze flashed to her and she felt it all the way to her
womb. Damn, but he was handsome. Life was just not fair. His
shoulders were broad and filled his suit to perfection. His wide
chest narrowed to his hips and she would bet money that his belly
sported a six-pack, and not of the beer variety. He had the kind
of face that artists wanted to sculpt and women wanted to sit on.
His eyes were the piece-de-resistance; large, dark brown, and
thickly lashed beneath perfectly arched brows. In short, a god or a
male model. This was the kind of male who never looked twice at
Serena because she wasn t tall and thin, or tiny and doll-like. She
had yet to meet a male wolf who wanted a woman with curves, but
this kind of wolf was the worst. They expected perfection from
their females and tended to get it. These wolves wanted trophy
At least the bears seemed to value curves in their females, the
more dangerous the better. Bears would go that extra mile for a
little T & A. She had dated a couple of bears, but since she wanted
children they hadn t gotten serious. Shapeshifters could only
produce offspring with their own species. Oh, sometimes a human
could partner a shapeshifter and produce young, but it didn t seem
to work between many of the other crosses.
In her experience, wolves always seemed to want athletes
or china dolls for their Mates. She d given up on finding a Mate
long ago, but it was the impetus for Serena, Lea, and Gwyneth
Whitefalcon to create this web match service. It was easy to find a
mate; a shapeshifter for a sex partner, but a Mate was different. A
Mate was someone you stayed with for life and had pups or cubs
or fledglings with, depending on your species. Finding a good
match for a shapeshifter was difficult in the best of circumstances;
but Yahoo, and even eHarmony.com didn t work well.
She lifted her chin in challenge when the bastard stared her
down. How dare he try to intimidate her? She was an Alpha
female, damn it!
 Who are you? his voice cut the air like a knife.
 Who are you? she returned, tilting her head. She wouldn t
back down from this one. The man needed to be taken down a
He scowled at her and his eyes narrowed. The bastard was an
Alpha from the tips of his perfect black hair to the bottom of his
highly polished loafers.
 Damien Blackwolf. He stood up and faced off against her,
obviously waiting for his pronouncement to an have effect. He
said it as if she were supposed to curtsey to him. Not only was he
an Alpha, but a Blackwolf Alpha. An alpha was a dominant male,
but an Alpha was the heir of a clan, or the leader of one. This male
definitely had or would found his own clan group one day.
Serena was not fond of Blackwolf males; they were too
arrogant by half, and this one seemed to think he was God s gift.
She had to admit he was a beautiful specimen that made her wet
just to look at him, but she wasn t about to admit that to him. He
smiled the smile of the male who knew a female was reacting to
him. Shit. She shouldn t have come into work today. She was too
close to coming into heat, and her scent must be broadcasting. He
licked his perfect full lips. Males are not supposed to have lips like
that. Double shit.
 I m Serena Goldwolf, one of the co-owners of Predator-
Match.com. What seems to be the problem?
162 Francesca Hawley
 Your much acclaimed psychology matching service paired
me with the psycho bitch from hell!
 Well, considering your abusive attitude with my secretary, it
would seem our  much acclaimed psychological matching service
did just dandy. Serena countered with a smile.
He growled and took a step toward her. She tensed but stayed
where she was. The worst thing to do when a predator challenged
was cringe or run, and this man was definitely a predator. If the
bastard thought she was that easily intimated, he was in for a rude
awakening. She raised her brow in arrogant challenge and he
paused, dumbfounded. He looked as perplexed as a pup trying
to figure out why he tripped over his tail. Damn it, that made him
adorable. Serena shook her head in disgust at herself. Alpha males
are not adorable, they re royal pains, emphasis on both royal and
When she did date, she dated betas because they were easier
to manage. Serena blinked. Why the hell had she thought that?
A Mate was a partner for life, and a mate was good for a tumble.
This male didn t come close to fulfilling her needs for either role.
She might be an Alpha female, but she was damned if she was
going to take an Alpha male as her Mate.
 Miss Goldwolf& 
 Ms. Goldwolf. I m not some untried adolescent, Mr.
Blackwolf, and I would appreciate if you would acknowledge it.
 Ms. Goldwolf&  his sarcastic growl was deep and made her
nipples harden. Damn it. She pretended it didn t affect her, but
she knew he realized it did. Why did he show up here, today of all
days? He glared down at her.  This is a business, Ms. Goldwolf,
and I am a very dissatisfied customer. I have friends that I ve told
about this company who could very easily pull their custom at my
request. I suggest you moderate your tone.
That was it. Serena saw red as only a female close to heat can.
She stalked over to him and poked him in the chest with her finger
while she stared up into his black eyes.  Listen to me, you arrogant
wolf! You come in here, guns blazing, and abuse my secretary
then threaten me. Pull your custom if you want. Tell your friends
to take a hike, too. I don t give a flying fuck! I will not be treated
this way by you or anyone! Serena felt like she was floating
outside of herself, watching her own actions in horror. She was
never like this, even when she was fully in heat. Oh, she snarled
and clawed at males, but she d never attacked anyone before; she
sure wanted to attack this one, though. He smiled grimly and only
then did Serena realize his last speech had been a deliberate taunt.
Oh& shit.
He grabbed her waist and lifted her easily. Taking two strides
to the nearest wall, he pushed her against it while wrapping her
thighs around his hips. He pressed his hard on against her.
She moaned, letting her head drop back. When she heard him
snarl, she realized she d closed her eyes and once she opened
them, she saw the triumph in his.  Oh, fuck, she muttered. She d
bared her neck to him submissively and she could see he intended
to follow this to its conclusion.
 Oh, yes. He dropped his head and sniffed her neck, then [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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