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subsides into calmness and peace.
We in the Hollow Earth monitor your whole Earth and the whole Milky Way Galaxy. We have our amino-based computers that show
us everything that is happening everywhere in our Galaxy and Universe and, of course, on Earth's surface. This is one of our "jobs,"
to keep track of everything simultaneously, and to plug the Confederation of Planets into the trouble spots on Earth as they occur.
Another war on Earth must not be tolerated. This is the end times - the end of war, the end of hate, negativity, anger, jealousy,
competition, and fear.
Sleeping Giants of Yore
We speak to you from the fabled Library of Porthologos inside the Earth, but a step away from you in consciousness. You reach us by
stepping down in your thoughts and, extending yourself and your imagination into our library, looking around, and "seeing" us. We
stand there waiting for your entry.
Today we will talk about the Sleeping Giants from your folklore. These giants are Beings from the Hollow Earth who took residence on
the surface thousands of years ago. In your folklore, you speak of them as sleeping for hundreds of years, and then awakening to find
themselves in another time zone. Yes, they traveled from inside the Earth and lived on your surface for hundreds and thousands of
years, studying humanity's surface population and then returning inside to report their findings. They did grow long beards, and many
stories were written about them and their Herculean feats on the surface.
Know that Earth is populated with many different Beings from many different star systems, all here for the same purpose - to grow
and evolve in consciousness, and to understand how humans evolve. The surface is a testing ground and experimenting station for
growth and evolvement. The first four letters in "evolvement" are "love" spelled backwards. It is through love that you evolve. It is so
simple - and yet it still eludes so many surface dwellers. Love is the glue - and it is through you, each and every one of you, that your
world moves into higher states of consciousness, and it's all through love - love of yourself and love for your "other" selves. As you all
come together in greater harmony and unity, you will feel yourselves and your reality shifting into higher vibrations of love and
peacefulness, and you will gingerly step into the higher dimensions where you will begin to feel and see us. We are in these higher
dimensions. For even as we reside "below" you, we are beside you. This is how "oneness" manifests.
Your world is rapidly changing and waking up, due in large part to the shock of the World Trade Center attack on September 11,
2001. This was a world emergency wake-up call, perpetrated by the dark forces in an attempt to wake you up to their presence. They
have delved so deep into darkness that they have gone full circle and are now circling back into Light, and their terror is shocking
people into their wake-up zone, affecting them in a polarity opposite of the dark's intention. The sleeping masses are finally being
shocked into awakening to who they are - like the Sleeping Giants of yore.
You are all the Sleeping Giants who came to Earth's surface and fell into a great sleep - and who are finally awakening to what is
being perpetrated on the surface. You've been caught in a great lie, believing everything the newspapers and media tell you, and
never questioning the news source from whence it comes. Well, it all comes from the same one source - your government-controlled
media - one viewpoint, theirs, which they program into your belief system.
As people awaken from their deep slumber of the ages, they begin to question and this is the awakening period. Soon you will all
jump out of your beds and stand free with us in the higher realms of consciousness. Your Cetacean brothers and sisters wait for you
there, too.
We have great monitors in the Library of Porthologos where we view surface conditions and follow your earthly lives. Nothing
surprises us anymore, as we've seen it all, history repeating itself over and over again. But now we see something different - through
the repetition of events - we see humanity waking up and remembering that there's more than war and strife and struggle and lack
and limitation. They are remembering the Divine within them and this remembrance is the awakening. REMEMBER AND AWAKEN.
Once a critical mass of people is awakened, you will all float into higher consciousness instantly and the past will be a dream. We wait
for you at the gates of your consciousness, and as the floodgates open, the waves of Light will carry you through. As Lightworkers,
you have all prepared for this for eons, and now it is here.
The European Euro 12-31-2001
We transmit to you directly from the Library of Porthologos, where many of us spend most of our time. Although our time frame differs
from yours, we still tell time and arrange our schedules and days.
The Hollow Earth is rejoicing at the magnitude of the rise in Earth's consciousness as witnessed by the announcement of the Euro on
today's news, bringing many European countries together as ONE. This is a great step for the surface population, leading to a United
Earth World.
We in the Hollow Earth have one system for all of us, which keeps us unified in all areas of commerce and life. It is a big step taken,
and many more countries will follow.
Confusion and Turmoil on the Surface
Your health is linked to your wealth. By this we mean your emotional health - your feeling body - for the healthier you "feel," the
clearer and purer your thoughts and feelings, the clearer your intentions will be. It is your intent that goes out into the Universal Fields [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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