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what we already suspected. That valve is failing, and you've got a pretty gnarly arrhythmia going
She wasn't telling me anything I hadn't expected to hear. "What do we do now?"
"Well, we need to do two more tests so I can get a total picture before I plan the interventions
you'll need." Dr. Rae held up the box. "I know you're familiar with this one."
"The Holter monitor? Yeah."
"We'll hook you up before you leave, and I'll need you to wear it for twenty-four hours. You
know the drill, right?"
I nodded. "I keep notes of all the physical activity I do and mark any events by pressing the
"Right. I want you to do everything you normally do in a day, okay? So exercise, eat, argue with
your parents, climb stairs, make love to your boyfriend don't hold back. I need to see how your
heart is reacting to different situations."
I could just imagine Finn's face if I told him we had to make love on my doctor's orders.
Considering we hadn't gone beyond kissing and heavy petting, the tactic seemed like my best bet at
finally getting him naked and into my bed. "And the other test?"
"I'd like to schedule an exploratory cath procedure for this week."
The news hit me hard. "So soon?"
"I think it's for the best, Hadley."
God, what isn't she telling me? How bad is the valve?
"It will be an outpatient procedure," she continued. "It won't be like the times you had stents
placed as a kid. You'll be home by late afternoon, but you'll need to take it easy for the night."
"My cousin's quinceañera is Saturday. I've got a million things to do on Friday."
"Then we'll see if we can get you in tomorrow morning or Thursday, all right?"
I found myself nodding again. "Okay."
"We'll schedule a follow-up for next week, and we can discuss what steps we need to take.
You need to prepare yourself for a valve replacement surgery that's going to happen sooner rather
than later and a pacemaker. Medications just aren't very good at controlling arrhythmias in patients
with congenital heart defects, and I don't feel like ablation is the right choice for you either."
"All right."
She rose from her stool and gave my shoulder a squeeze. "I know this wasn't what you wanted
to hear."
"Not exactly," I agreed, "but thank you for being frank with me."
"That's my job." She headed for the door. "I'll send the nurse in to get you hooked up and make
a note to schedule your cath."
When we were alone, Coby flew at me. She hugged me tight and whispered comforting words.
As much as I appreciated her embrace and kindness, I found myself yearning for the feel of Finn's
powerful arms wrapping me up tight.
* * *
While wiping down equipment during a lull between clients, Finn heard his cell phone ringing
in his office. He dropped the towel and sprinted across the gym. He hadn't heard from Hadley other
than a couple of quick text messages. He was desperate for some information on her morning of tests.
"Mr. Connolly." The now familiar voice of the cartel man who had sought him out at the
fundraiser met his ear.
Taking an educated guess, he replied, "Mr. Salas."
A laugh echoed in his ear. "They told me you were the smart one in the family and the most
"What do you want?" Finn wasn't in the mood for chit-chat with some cartel enforcer.
"We need to meet."
"I don't have time."
"You'll make time. I'm texting you an address. Meet me here in half an hour."
The line went dead. Cursing under his breath, Finn glanced at the message that lit up his phone.
He tapped it and the address of one of the local parks appeared on his screen. Of all the places a
cold-blooded cartel killer might want to meet, a playground hadn't been one that Finn would have
expected. Which, to think of it, made it the perfect place to meet without rousing too much suspicion.
Although meeting Hector Salas was the very last thing in the world he wanted to do, Finn
thought it was a better choice to speak with the man and see what, exactly, the cartel wanted him to do
before he made his decision. He didn't like the idea of having two violent criminal gangs breathing
down his neck, but he really, really liked the idea of keeping his neck attached to his shoulders.
"Jack?" He found his brother up front with Mattie where they were putting together new
member packets.
"Yeah?" His older brother continued sorting papers into stacks.
"I need to go out for a bit."
Jack stopped sorting immediately. Concern darkened his face. "Hadley?"
"No." Touched that his brother cared that much, he said, "I'll explain everything later, but I need
to go now."
Jack frowned. "All right, but we need to talk when you have time."
"We will." I just have to decide what the hell I'm going to do before you have a chance to get
involved. Jack would feel so damned guilty once he found out about the blackmail, but it wasn't Jack's
fault any more than it was Abby's. They hadn't asked to be dragged into a vendetta between a cartel
and a motorcycle gang. He had willingly gone to that warehouse parking lot and taken aim on that
assassin knowing full well what he was doing and what it would mean if he were caught.
Only now he had something to live for and a reason to stay out of prison. The thought of being
forced away from Hadley now made his heart ache. A pain gripped his chest, and he rubbed at his
sternum while he drove to the park. A few days with Hadley, and already he was becoming
hopelessly entangled with her. Not that he minded at all. His brain reminded him that this was all
happening too fast, but his heart reassured him that everything was happening exactly the way it had
always been meant to happen. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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