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read; and that you can easily disseminate to large groups of people.
Here are some tips to help you write a free report that will capture the attention of
people searching the Internet.
Also, you will find ideas on how to entice readers to click on links within the body of the
free report as well as ads that reside on the pages of the free report.
One of the first things you need to do is determine the content of your free report. To a
degree, this will be governed by the affiliate products you want to spotlight either within
the text of the report or in the ads that accompany the report. At the same time, you
want the subject matter to be focused enough that an informative article can result,
without being too vague.
As an example, instead of writing a general article about office management, you may
want to go with a narrower topic, such as "Seven Effective Ways to Deal with Habitually
Late Employees." In focusing in on one aspect of office management, you help yourself
in two ways.
First, you have created a topic that will easily find its way into search engines. Second,
you have laid a foundation for a whole series of free reports that can focus on other
aspects of effective office management.
One thing to keep in mind with your content is that people love to read stories. That
does not mean you have to provide a full-blown story with each point you make. Just
keep in mind that quick illustrations can make your points and still play like the recitation
of a story in the eyes of the reader. This will motivate your reader to keep going, so he
or she can see what mini-story you will present with the next point.
Super Affiliate Marketing Secrets 49
The focused topic also will provide you with the ability to include links and ads that will
be relevant to anyone that is interested in helping an office run smoothly. Placing the
links so they make sense in the course of the text is very important.
Failing to do so will simply derail the train of thought and possible lead to the reader
switching off before giving the links and ads any consideration. Keep in mind that your
money from the free report is going to come from people clicking through the links to
either merchant sites or ads and in some cases buying a product.
If the link is positioned properly within the text, it will seem almost natural to click on the
link and investigate what is on the other side.
Circulating your free report can be as easy as offering the report on classified ad sites
that allow you to post for free; or as easy as putting a link to it in your signature and
posting on forums.
By making sure that you use the classified ads sites that actually generate a lot of
traffic; you can easily set up a process for people to either click over to your free report
on a web page or receive the free report by email.
Keep in mind free web pages that will allow for the inclusion of ads on the page as well
as links in the text is available. If you cannot afford to set up your own web site for this
sort of thing at first, you can begin to generate some income and eventually move the
free report over to your own site.
Placing your free report online, advertising it at online classified web sites and also
making sure it gets massive amounts of exposure on forums and places well in search
engines to will make all the difference in the world in how much success you will have
with the free report method. Why not try one out today and see what type of revenue it
generates over the next month?
6.2 Inserting Affiliate Links into Your Free Report
Super Affiliate Marketing Secrets 50
One of the reasons why you would write free reports is to circulate affiliate links. Here is
some background on how to go about inserting a link into the text of your free reports,
and making good money from your work.
One of the first things you need to do is make sure the positioning of the links within the
text of the free report makes sense. The idea is to have the reader discover your link
while reading through the body of the report.
The presence of the link will be obvious, as it will normally appear as a blue font that is
underlined. What you want to happen is that the reader comes across the link, sees it is
relevant to what he or she is reading and decides to click on the link before continuing. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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